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FRANCIS MCELROY: I can't read a note of music - I just hear a song once or
twice and I sit down and play it.
LOIS SNAITH: That's what you call a photographic memory.

(from Duplex Planet issue # 114)


FRANK KANSLASKY: (Laughs) Not to me it ain't!

LEO GERMINO: Because it's very, very outstanding. It's important to make
people feel better, too.

FRANCIS MCELROY: Because it's the run of the country, and it's very
popular among all people.

BILL NIEMI: Well, it sort of relaxes a person's mind.

CHARLES SHEA: Without it there'd be no happiness.

ABE SURGECOFF: It brings melody to the people.

HERMAN SEFTEL: It tunes up the system.

DORA GURKEWITZ: We're lonely people and we live alone, so we like to have

HENRY TURNER: It soothes the nerves. And it keeps you from getting bored
too. Of course my radio was stolen from me.

HOWARD SHERWOOD: Well, I think it's a great day starter, starter of the
day. Most people put their radio on and it brightens up the day. If we had
a lot more music and less arguments things would be a lot better - all over
the world. In a lot of these countries you aren't allowed to put music on.

(from Duplex Planet issue # 97)


ANTHONY ESPOSITO: I don't know, but it's good though.

STAN ABEL: Well some people like country music better than they do rock
and roll - I know I do.
DBG: But why is country music called country music?
STAN: Well I have never bothered to find out.

LEONA QUANT: I don't know, I never thought about it. Why is it? It's down
to earth I guess.

ANNE STUART: Gee, I oughta know, I dance. We like square dancing and
that's in country music.

(from Duplex Planet issue #118)


JOHN CIPRIANO: Who Hit Nellie in the Belly With the Pizza.
STAN ABEL: I like the Ink Spots and Nat King Cole, some of the songs he
wrote. And Connie Francis. And Anita Bryant, you've heard of her, haven't
you. And what's another? Ray Charles. And I like some of the songs that
Dean Martin put out, I like some of them too. But I don't go for that rock
and roll.

IDA HARRIS: Memories. I remember that one. I always liked it, haven't
heard it for a long time.

NEIL HENDERSON: We used to have, I think, better music than they have now
(chuckles). But then, to each his own. Generations come along and they each
have their own music and I think it's good. There's a lot of wonderful
songs and we each have a favorite, you're right to ask me that. But I
couldn't think of one.
And there have been many wonderful entertainers who brought is a
lot of wonderful music. Then another kind of music came along and I didn't
care for it as much so i just kind of gave up. What did they call that
music? It was twenty or thirty years ago. I like the old songs. Although
present day folks need entertainment, too. We all need it.


DBG: What do you know about him?
JOHN: He's similar like Elvis Presley, guitar and everything.

BILL NIEMI: Isn't that that star, Starr?
DBG: What do you know about him?
BILL: Kind of muscular man, isn't he?

ED ROGERS: Oh, ah, is it one of the ah, one of the Beatles? Yeah, one of
the Beatles. He's one of the guys that's the Beatles. That's his name, he's
one, ah, he's on the Beatles, the Beatles, yeah.

(from Duplex Planet issue # 121)


ANTHONY ESPOSITO: I'm past that stage now. You fill it out for me.

IRENE SAUNDERS: Slow. That's my time of life.

PHOEBE BROWN: In between, medium. I don't like rock and roll. I like the
old time songs, like hymns. I like old time country music, but some of the
modern country is too much like rock and roll.

LEONA BELL: Slow, waltz, foxtrot, square dancing.
DBG: That gets fast.
LEONA: Well, it can be.
JAMES PERRY: Yeah, but you don't lose your partner. These dances today,
you lose your partner. You have flashin' lights and no partner. That's no
good. You've got to get together sometime. Yep, them were the lucky days.

DBG: But fast or slow?
FRANCES: No, not fast, medium.

(from Duplex Planet issue #128)

ABE SURGECOFF: I used to play banjo in the service and they made me cut it
out. I can't play it now. I played it pretty good, but I lost touch with
it. I couldn't play anymore when I came out of the service.

(from Duplex Planet issue # 97)

TONY VILLANO: Five years ago my wife bought me an organ for my birthday
and I got so I could play any tune there is. And I probably know thousands
and thousands of tunes by ear. I can remember tunes from way back. So I
learned to play the organ. When I get depressed now - Birdie, that's my
wife's nickname, Birdie, since she passed way I get depressed - I sit down
and play some old tunes, I start cryin' while I'm playin'.

(from Duplex Planet issue # 97)


DAPHNE MATTHEWS: How Great Thou Art by Elvis Presley.

VILJO LEHTO: Forget Me Not.

BOB SHIREY: Battle Hymn of the Republic.

BARBARA KATZ: The Barbara Song, the one that always says, "Barbara,
Barbara." And I'd say waltzes and old songs. I don't like fast jazz.

ETHEL SWEET: I said Blue Purple before, bu tI was thinkin' Spanish Eyes
and the Blue Danube Waltz. I love them three.

MILDRED MAKOOFSKI: When Your Hair Has Turned to Silver, and August Moon.

JOHN HODOROWSKI: To Be Or Not To Be. No, I can't think of it. It strains my
whatchamacallit too much to think way back there.

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